Non-Integrated Program

Federal Leaves, State Leaves, ADAA, STD, LTD, Client Specific Leaves, and Workers Compensation – How does it all fit?

In a fast- moving, quickly evolving leave landscape, an IDM program you can rely on to manage compliance and concurrent leaves is key to future success in reducing absenteeism and getting employees back to health and productivity, quickly and safely.

A non-integrated disability management program presents several hurdles to this goal:

  • Two or more partner contacts, for both the HR team and Risk Teams, as well as employees with concurrent disability claims

  • Entitlement between lines of business can often overlap, making resolution between vendors time consuming and inefficient

  • Multiple forms containing identical information may have to be filled out and sent to various vendors

  • Employees dealing with multiple sources of information, which may conflict due to inconsistency of messaging

  • Data is housed in multiple systems, making actionable data able to be leveraged for impactful change in safety, ergonomics, or benefits much more difficult to obtain

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Integrated Disability Management Program

Client Experience

  • Single IDM vendor partner for ease of communication

  • Instant information sharing from disability claim initiation to close

  • Channeling employee claims and benefits for a smoother disability claim process and quicker resolution

  • Key Performance Indicators defined, tracked, and managed by single point of contact

  • Avoid duplication of effort, both by the employee as well as the HR or Risk Management team

  • Single source of messaging, easing confusion and creating a more positive disability claims management experience

Improved IDM Outcomes and Processes

  • Event triggers that spur action to coordinate FMLA, WC, STD and ADAA

  • Coordinated Risk Management Information

  • Study conducted by largest TPA in the nation, found that over three years, employers that implemented IDM programs, reduced their administration costs by an estimated 10% – 20%

  • Over the same period, the study found that the employers experienced a 10% – 25% reduction in absenteeism overall


Ensuring your business has a reliable IDM system is key to worker and employer satisfaction, so you and your employees can focus on your business. The integrated disability management program provided by Absence Plus has a proven track record of success in reducing absenteeism and improving worker health and productivity. Contact our expert IDM team today to learn how our IDM program can be customized to fulfill your organization’s needs.